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Events and News

View details of our regular activities, information about our upcoming events and reports on past events and news by selecting the links below: 

Our Regular Activities

Valley Conservation Reserve
You could help us in our efforts to make the beautiful Valley Conservation Reserve even better. We’d love to see you at one of our work party sessions. These sessions are mostly held on the last Saturday of each month except December and January. The entry to the reserve is from Waimarie Drive/Wills Avenue (Melways reference: 70:G2). We meet at the amenities block at 1:20 pm for a two-hour session.

The quality of the water and the type and number of ‘bugs’ living in the creek are important indicators of the health of Scotchmans Creek. We have a specially trained Waterwatch team which does monthly testing at a number of sites so we have long-term health measurements. If you are a student studying waterway health issues or just have an interest in water ‘bugs’ or chemistry, joining our team can provide valuable field experience.

Meetings with a Guest Speaker
We invite expert speakers to make a presentation about various environmental subjects at our Guest Speaker meetings. There are always new issues and things to learn, so you can keep yourself informed by coming along. We meet at Alvie Hall on the corner of High Street Road and Alvie Road, Mount Waverley (Melways reference: 61:D11). The meetings start at 7:30 pm.

School Activities
We can play host to your school students. Contact us to arrange a visit from our group to your school or to arrange an excursion. We can talk about Scotchmans Creek and Valley Conservation Reserve and the role that pupils can play in maintaining these wonderful areas. We can also explain about the storm water drainage system and how rubbish and pollution affect the environment. Or we can arrange a mini-Waterwatch session where your students can investigate the small creatures that live in the creek and learn about water chemistry.

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Upcoming Events

2024 - Valley Conservation Reserve Work Parties -

The Friends of Scotchmans Creek and Valley Reserve holds regular work parties in the Valley Conservation Reserve, Mt. Waverley, throughout the year.

The dates are usually the last Saturday of every month, but due to public holidays that may not be the case for all months.

The time is 1:20-3:30 pm. The meeting place is the area behind the amenities block. Entry to the Reserve is via Waimarie Drive or Wills Avenue, Mt. Waverley - Melways Reference 70G2. Please be at the meeting place at 1:20pm. If you are late, there will be a map on the door showing where we are working that day.

The work includes planting, weeding, maintenance and revegetation. After we have finished working we get together for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat.

For 2024 the work party dates are:
24 February
23 March - due to Easter
27 April
25 May
29 June
20 July - Note that National Tree Day will be on Sunday 28th July
31 August
21 September - due to a public holiday
26 October
30 November

If you enjoy gardening perhaps you would like to join us. We are always pleased to see new faces. For further information you could contact Tony Walker on 0414 278 121 or Monash Council on 03 9518 3723.
Work parties are not held on days of 30 deg. or more, or on days of total fire ban.
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Past Events and News

Wednesday, 16 October 2024 - Guest Speaker and Annual General Meeting - Guest Speaker - Kayla Sibly

Kayla gave us an interesting insight on aspects of Fire management within Australia:
the importance of fire within an ecosystem, factors influencing fire occurrence and the role of Indigenous fire management. -

Kayla's presentation was followed by the AGM

1. Special Resolution:
To consider and, if thought appropriate, pass the following special resolution:
That the members adopt the proposed revised Rules of Association for the Friends of Scotchmans Creek and Valley Reserve Inc. which are contained in the attached document “Friends of Scotchmans Creek and Valley Reserve Inc. – Rules of Association – October 2024 (Proposed)”
The resolution was adopted unanimously by the members present.
2. Minutes of the 2023 AGM
3. President's Report
4. Waterwatch Report
5. River Officer's Report
6. KooyongKoot Alliance Report
7. Treasurer's Report
8. Resolution: To consider and, if thought appropriate, pass the following resolution:
That the members agree to an increase in the annual membership subscription from $5 per annum to $10 per annum to take place in stages according to the schedule laid out in the attached document “Friends of Scotchmans Creek and Valley Reserve Inc. – Schedule of change to annual subscription – October 2024 (Proposed)”
The resolution was adopted unanimously by the members present.
9. Election of Committee

The following members were elected to the committee for 2024-2025:
President:Sally Walker
Vice President:Danielle Cini
Secretary:May Lee
Treasurer:Fred Bullock
Ordinary Committee:Kylie Burgin
Ordinary Committee:Rex Dusting
Ordinary Committee:Bharathy Shanmugam
Ordinary Committee:Kayla Sibly
Ordinary Committee:Marilyn Thompson
Ordinary Committee:Tony Walker

10. Association Statement
11. Other Business
Wednesday, 21st August 2024 - Guest Speaker - Alfred Uhlherr - Photographing Birds in the Scotchmans-Valley Creek Catchment -

Alfred gave us an extensive presentation showing excellent photographs of the many and varied birds that he has photographed in the Valley Conservation Reserve, Scotchmans Creek and the surrounding urban areas.

Most of the audience did not realise that this area supported such a surprisingly rich and diverse range of bird life.

Alfred also showed us his range of camera equipment with tips of photographing birds.


Sunday, 28 July 2024 - National Tree Day Planting -

A total of 268 Friends, members of various groups and members of the public came and joined us in helping to plant an amazing total of 9,550 plants in the Scotchmans Creek corridor on National Tree Day.

This year we were at a new site in Stanley Reserve East on the south side of the creek.

Access from Therese Avenue was easier, the weather was perfect and with so many volunteers we were able to plant all the plants in good time.

As usual the Scouts cooked a great free sausage sizzle with veggie burgers on the side.

As this is a new area for our National Tree Day planting, there was a great deal of work to be done in re-routing a couple of paths and spraying out some grassed areas well before the planting day.

Melbourne Water and their Community Grants Program provided the funding for the plants. The City of Monash Bushland & Wetlands Maintenance crew were on-hand to help. Without the Monash crew none of this would be possible.

We will be back here next year to continue re-planting this site.

Here is a list of the many plant species that we planted on the day.

Acacia implexa - Lightwood
Acacia melanoxylon - Blackwood
Acacia myrtifolia - Myrtle Wattle
Acacia paradoxa - Hedge Wattle
Acacia verticillata var verticillata - Prickly Moses
Acaena novae-zealandiae - Bidgee-widgee
Allocasuarina littoralis - Black Sheoak
Brachyscome multifida var.multifida - Cut-leaf Daisy
Chrysocephalum semipapposum - Clustered Everlasting
Correa reflexa var. reflexa - Native Fuchsia
Deyeuxia quadriseta - Reed Bent-grass
Dianella admixta - Flax-lily
Dianella laevis var. laevis - Pale Flax-lily
Dichondra repens - Kidney-weed
Dillwynia cinerascens - Grey Parrot-pea
Eucalyptus melliodora - Yellow Box
Eucalyptus viminalis (Scotch ck form) - Manna Gum
Goodenia ovata - Hop Goodenia
Goodia lotifolia - Golden-tip
Gynatrix pulchella - Hemp Bush
Hakea nodosa - Yellow Hakea
Hakea ulicina - Furze Hakea
Hardenbergia violacea - Purple Coral Pea
Indigofera australis - Austral Indigo
Kennedia prostrata - Running Postman
Kunzea leptospermoides - Yarra Burgan
Lomandra longifolia var.longifolia - Spiny-headed Mat-rush
Mentha australis - River Mint
Patersonia occidentalis - Long Purple-flag
Rytidosperma geniculatum - Kneed Wallaby-grass
Rytidosperma Mixed - Wallaby Grasses
Wahlenbergia stricta - Tall Bluebell

16th and 26th July 2024 - Planting with students -

This year we asked Melbourne Water for a grant for 3 000 plants for Stanley Reserve East - North side of the creek.

A class of 12 students from Holmesglen TAFE with their lecturer came along as part of their studies on the 16th July. They planted 1500 plants in good time. The weather was cold but dry.

The Green Team of 20 students from Brentwood Secondary College came along on the 26th July to plant the remaining 1500 plants.

Everyone worked hard to help to plant in good dry weather. Due to the rain we have had the ground was reasonably soft. The Monash "Bush" crew augered holes for most of the plants so planting was quite easy.

This is our first year of a three year grant for this area.

These are the plant species that were planted:

Austrostipa mollis - Soft Spear-grass
Brachyscome multifida var.multifida - Cut-leaf Daisy
Chrysocephalum semipapposum - Clustered Everlasting
Correa reflexa var. reflexa - Native Fuchsia
Dianella admixta - Spreading Flax-lily
Dianella laevis var. laevis - Pale Fax-lily
Dichondra repens - Kidney-weed
Ficinia nodosa - Knobby Club-sedge
Goodenia ovata - Hop Goodenia
Indigofera australis - Austral Indigo
Lomandra longifolia var.longifolia - Spiny-headed Mat-rush
Mentha australis - River Mint
Poa ensiformis - Purple-sheath Tussock-grass
Poa labillardierei - Common Tussock-grass
Poa morrisii - Velvet Tussock-grass
Poa sieberiana Var.sieberiana - Grey Tussock-grass
Rytidosperma Mixed - Wallaby Grasses
Themeda triandra - Kangaroo Grass
Wahlenbergia stricta - Tall Bluebell
Acacia verticillata var verticillata - Prickly Moses
Hakea nodosa - Yellow Hakea
Hakea ulicina - Furze Hakea
Carex appressa - Tall Sedge
Sunday, 16 June 2024 - Planting Day in Valley Conservation Reserve -

A Special Friends planting in Valley Conservation Reserve.
The weather was cold but dry and planting kept us all warm as 18 adults and 2 children, supervised by Darren from the Monash bush crew, planted 950 plants in a new area in Valley Conservation Reserve just south of the main east west track.

Our efforts were assisted by the fact that Darren had augered most of the holes that we needed as well as having laid out all the plants.

This was a great turnout and let us complete the planting in about two hours.

This year the purchase was funded by Yarra Valley Water as part of an offset paid to us as part of their Price Commitment to have a guaranteed level of service for water quality.
Where they cannot meet this guaranteed level of service, they issue a payment back to the community.

Yarra Valley Water has provided $2,500 to support our biodiversity work as part of their commitments to customers, community and environment.

The remainder of the plants purchased with these funds will be planted at the end of June.

Have a look at our photogallery to see some photos from the morning.

These are some of the plant species that were planted:

Acacia myrtifolia - Myrtle Wattle
Arthropodium strictum - Chocolate Lily
Brachyscome multifida var.multifida - Cut-leaf Daisy
Chrysocephalum semipapposum - Clustered Everlasting
Dianella admixta - Flax-lily
Dichondra repens - Kidney-weed
Hardenbergia violacea - Purple Coral Pea
Kennedia prostrata - Running Postman
Leptorhynchos tenuifolius - Wiry Buttons
Pultenaea gunnii ssp.gunnii - Golden Bush-pea
Stylidium armeria - Thrift-leaved Triggerplant
Wahlenbergia communis - Tufted Bluebell
Wahlenbergia stricta - Tall Bluebell

Wednesday, 15th May 2024 - Guest Speaker - Dr Kathleen Ralston - Lichens - Beauty in Miniature -

Lichens play vital roles in ecosystems, from soil formation to providing shelter for insects and nesting material for birds.
Their resilience and unique biology continue to captivate scientists and nature enthusiasts alike.

Dr Ralston gave us a most informative, illustrated talk about this important part of the environment.

Wednesday, 20th March 2024 - Guest Speaker - Tony Collins - Educating for Bushland Regeneration -

Tony is now a lecturer at Holmesglen TAFE but has previously worked for Kingston Council as Team Leader, Parks and Recreation.

Tony gave us an excellent presentation explaining the different ways that regeneration can be undertaken. He gave us many examples of work he has done over the years to turn a degraded area into native bushland.

Sunday, 3rd March, 2024 - Clean Up Australia Day -

A total of 46 volunteers came to help the Friends clean up Scotchmans Creek on Clean Up Australia Day.
Of the 46 people, 12 of them were children 12 years old and under.
The oldest volunteer was 85 and the youngest was just 2.

We also had a group of Joey scouts with parents who were keen to help.

Some items of interest that were picked up today:

a Mac laptop, a camping tent in good condition, $5-note, expired credit card, workers union card, healthcare provider card,
small & fullsize footballs, other plastic balls, builders rubbish, disintegrated soft plastics, face masks,
plastic bottles, aluminium cans, polystyrene, disposable drink cups some with lids, confectionery wrappers,
takeaway paper bags, plastic trays and plastic seedling containers.

The obvious areas were fairly clean but diligent searchers found rubbish in the less accessible places.

Have a look at our photogallery to see the Friends and the bags of rubbish.

Thank you to everyone who came along to help.

Wednesday, 18 October 2023 - Guest Speaker and Annual General Meeting -
Guest Speaker - Arthur Jackson - Aboriginal Partnerships Officer - City of Monash -
The Monash Reconciliation Action Plan -

Arthur explained the Monash Reconciliation Plan to the very interested audience. There were many questions and much discussion.

His talk was followed by our AGM:

1. Minutes of the 2022 AGM
2. President's Report
3. Waterwatch Report
4. River Officer's Report
5. KooyongKoot Alliance Report
6. Treasurer's Report
7. Election of Committee

The following members were elected to the committee for 2023-2024:
President:Sally Walker
Vice President:Kallista Sears
Secretary:May Lee
Treasurer:Fred Bullock
Ordinary Committee:Kylie Burgin
Ordinary Committee:Danielle Cini
Ordinary Committee:Rex Dusting
Ordinary Committee:Bharathy Shanmugam
Ordinary Committee:Kayla Sibly
Ordinary Committee:Marilyn Thompson
Ordinary Committee:Tony Walker

8. Association Statement
9. Other Business

Alan Moore resigned from the committee after many year's service.
As recognition of his time with the committee, Tony Walker presented Alan with a framed certificate.
Have a look at the photogallery to see this presentation.

Wednesday, 16th August 2023 - Guest Speaker - Emily Payne - Incoming from the Catchment –
How Streamflow and Waterway Health are influenced at Valley Conservation Reserve -

Emily started her excellent presentation with the science behind the flows of water in the environment and how urbanisation has affected those flows in recent times.
Monash Council have been working on a plan for the future of the management of water flow in Valley Conservation Reserve.
Emily concluded by detailing some of the thoughts of the consultant who assisted with the development of the management plan.


Sunday, 30 July 2023 - National Tree Day Planting -

291 Friends, members of various groups and members of the public came and joined us in helping to plant over 8,000 plants in the Scotchmans Creek corridor on National Tree Day. We believe that this is a record number of volunteers.

This year we were back on the south side of the creek.

The weather was perfect and with so many volunteers we were able to plant all 8 000 plants

As usual the Scouts cooked a great free sausage sizzle with veggie burgers on the side.

Melbourne Water and their Community Grants Program provided the funding for the plants. The City of Monash Bushland & Wetland Maintenance crew were on-hand to help. Without the Monash crew none of this would be possible.

Here is a list of many of the plant species that we planted on the day.

Acacia myrtifolia - Myrtle Wattle
Acaena novae-zealandiae - Bidgee-widgee
Brachyscome multifida var.multifida - Cut-leaf Daisy
Correa reflexa var. reflexa - Native Fuchsia
Dianella admixta - Flax-lily
Dianella laevis var. laevis - Pale Flax-lily
Dichondra repens - Kidney-weed
Goodenia ovata - Hop Goodenia
Indigofera australis - Austral Indigo
Lomandra longifolia var.longifolia - Spiny-headed Mat-rush
Patersonia occidentalis - Long Purple-flag
Poa labillardierei - Common Tussock-grass
Poa morrisii - Velvet Tussock-grass
Rytidosperma Mixed - Wallaby Grasses
Stylidium armeria - Thrift-leaved Triggerplant
Themeda triandra - Kangaroo Grass
Wahlenbergia communis - Tufted Bluebell
Wahlenbergia stricta - Tall Bluebell
Acacia implexa - Lightwood
Acacia mearsii - Black Wattle
Acacia melanoxylon - Blackwood
Allocasuarina littoralis - Black Sheoak
Eucalyptus melliodora - Yellow Box
Eucalyptus ovata var.ovata - Swamp Gum
Acacia verticillata var verticillata - Prickly Moses
Goodia lotifolia - Golden-tip
Gynatrix pulchella - Hemp Bush
Hakea nodosa - Yellow Hakea

Sunday, 11 June 2023 - Planting Day in Valley Conservation Reserve -

A Special Friends planting in Valley Conservation Reserve.
Once more, we purchased some plants partly with Friends Group funds supplemented by a Special Grant from Monash Council to add more flowering plants to Valley Conservation Reserve.

We had a wonderful number of volunteers who turned out to help us plant on a cool but dry morning.
With soft ground making it easy to dig holes with our new Hamilton planters, the 22 of us set to work and planted over 1,000 plants in Valley Conservation Reserve near the North Regent Street entrance.

Have a look at the photogallery to see some of the happy planters.

These are some of the plant species that were planted:
Bulbine Bulbosa - Bulbine Lily
Clematis aristata - Austral Clematis
Dianella admixta - Flax-lily
Dianella laevis var. laevis - Pale Flax-lily
Dianella longifolia -
Dichondra repens - Kidney-weed
Kennedia prostrata - Running Postman
Lomandra longifolia var.longifolia - Spiny-headed Mat-rush
Pimelia humilis -
Stylidium Graminifolium - Trigger Plant
Veronica gracilis - Slender Speedwell
Wahlenbergia communis - Tufted Bluebell
Wednesday, 17th May 2023 - Guest Speakers - Gary Presland and Graham Ross - KooyongKoot - Gardiners Creek Past, Present and a Vision for its Future -

Gary started the evening with a most informative presentation of the past history of Gardiners Creek and the name Kooyong Koot.

Graham then talked about the evolution of the KooyongKoot Alliance and the Regional Collaboration working to protect and enhance the Gardiners Creek (KooyongKoot) catchment of which we are a part.

Wednesday, 15th March 2023 - Guest Speaker - Peter Uhlherr - Orchids Part 2 -

Following his previous talk on orchids in the Monash area, Peter continued his illustrated talk about orchids to expand our knowledge.

Peter illustrated the many ways that pollination takes place with orchids with his detailed hand drawn diagrams.

Orchids use many insects for pollination by means of imitating female insects to attract the males.

Sunday, 5th March, 2023 - Clean Up Australia Day -

Helping the Friends clean up Scotchmans Creek on Clean Up Australia Day.

15 friends and helpers came along on a beatiful morning to pick up other people's rubbish.
Although it got rather warm in the afternoon it was still a good temperature by the time we finished at 12 noon.

Between us we collected 8 bags of rubbish.
There were very few masks and I believe that we did not find any cigarette butts.
There were the usual small number of balls, probably lost by dog owners, and lots of small bits of plastic.
The number of plastic bags was much reduced, probably due to the reduced number handed out by shops.
Much of the plastic was old as it is still getting washed out of the banks due to erosion.

For more information, please ring 0438 542 218.

Wednesday, 19 October 2022 - Guest Speaker and Annual General Meeting -
Guest Speaker - Emily Payne - Green, cool & healthy –

Emily gave us an illustrated presentation on the multiple benefits of Water Sensitive Urban Design in Monash.

She mentioned many useful ways in which we can all implement water sensitive features on our properties

Her talk was followed by our AGM:

1. Minutes of the 2021 AGM
2. President's Report
3. Waterwatch Report
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Election of Committee

The following members were elected to the committee for 2022-2023:
President:Tony Walker
Vice President:Kallista Sears
Secretary:Sally Walker
Treasurer:Bharathy Shanmugam
Ordinary Committee:Fred Bullock
Ordinary Committee:Danielle Cini
Ordinary Committee:Rex Dusting
Ordinary Committee:May Lee
Ordinary Committee:Alan Moore

6. Association Statement
7. Other Business

Wednesday, 17th August 2022 - Guest Speaker - Peter Uhlherr - Orchids in Valley Conservation Reserve and Monash -

Peter gave us a very interesting and technical illustrated talk about orchids in the Monash area.

I believe that most of us learnt a great deal about the relationship between many orchids and their insect pollinators.

Sunday, 31 July 2022 - National Tree Day Planting -

This year we returned to the north side of the creek, so we were able to use the scout huts at the end of Fairway Avenue.

We had an amazing turnout of over 200 volunteer planters on a cool but dry day.

The Dharmasoka College Past Student Association Australia came along with about 20 volunteers; the Teluga Language School came with 40 volunteers; the Friends of Damper Creek Conservation Reserve came along to help us instead of their usual working bee; Rotary sent along some members and the general public came along as well. Our thanks go to all these volunteers for their help.

All the over 8 000 plants were in the ground by shortly after 12 noon.

The sausages and vegie burgers were greatly appreciated and all eaten!!

Melbourne Water and their Community Grants Program provided the funding for the plants. As usual the City of Monash Bushland & Wetland Maintenance crew were out in force to help. Without their help none of this would be possible.

Have a look at the photogallery to see some of the happy planters.

These are the plant species that were planted:

Acacia myrtifolia - Myrtle Wattle
Acaena novae-zealandiae - Bidgee-widgee
Brachyscome multifida var.multifida - Cut-leaf Daisy
Chrysocephalum semipapposum - Clustered Everlasting
Correa reflexa var. reflexa - Native Fuchsia
Dianella admixta - Flax-lily
Dianella laevis var. laevis - Pale Flax-lily
Dichondra repens - Kidney-weed
Goodenia ovata - Hop Goodenia
Hardenbergia violacea - Purple Coral Pea
Indigofera australis - Austral Indigo
Lomandra longifolia var.longifolia - Spiny-headed Mat-rush
Patersonia occidentalis - Long Purple-flag
Poa labillardierei - Common Tussock-grass
Poa tenera - Slender Tussock-grass
Rubus parvifolius - Small-leaf Bramble
Veronica gracilis - Slender Speedwell
Viola hederacea - Native Violet
Wahlenbergia communis - Tufted Bluebell
Wahlenbergia stricta - Tall Bluebell
Acacia genistifolia - Spreading Wattle
Acacia verticillata var verticillata - Prickly Moses
Coprosma quadrifida - Prickly Currant-bush
Goodia lotifolia Prickly Currant-bush
Gynatrix pulchella - Hemp Bush
Hakea nodosa - Yellow Hakea
Melicytus dentatus - Tree Violet
Myrsine howittiana - Muttonwood
Olearia lirata - Snowy Daisy-bush
Pomaderris racemosa - Slender Pomaderris
Spyridium parvifolium - Austral Dusty-Miller

20th and 21st July 2022 - Planting in Crosby Drive Reserve -

This year we asked Melbourne Water for a grant for 3 000 plants for Crosby Drive Reserve. We had the help of several staff from the Australian Gas Infrastructure Group and over 20 students from Brentwood Secondary College to help us plant those 3 000 plants over two days.

Everyone worked hard to help to plant in good dry weather. Due to all the rain we have had the ground was reasonably soft so digging the holes was quite easy.

This area now looks much better with all the infilling of smaller understorey plants.

These are the plant species that were planted:

Dianella laevis (syn.longifolia) - Pale Flax-lily
Ficinia nodosa - Knobby Club-sedge
Goodenia ovata - Hop Goodenia
Lomandra longifolia - Spiny-headed Mat-rush
Poa ensiformis - Purple-sheath Tussock-grass
Viola hederacea - Native Violet
Acacia melanoxylon - Blackwood
Eucalyptus melliodora - Yellow Box
Eucalyptus ovata - Swamp Gum
Acacia genistifolia - Spreading Wattle
Acacia verticillata - Prickly Moses
Leptospermum continentale - Prickly Tea-tree
Ozothamnus ferrugineus - Tree Everlasting
Pomaderris aspera - Hazel Pomaderris
Pomaderris racemosa - Slender Pomaderris
Carex appressa - Tall Sedge
Carex inversa - Knob Sedge
Dodonaea viscosa spatulata - Sticky Hop-bush
Acacia suaveolens - Sweet Wattle
Hakea ulicina - Furze Hakea
Olearia lirata - Snowy Daisy-bush
Goodia lotifolia - Goldeb-tip
Acacia paradoxa - Hedge Wattle
Brachyscome multifida - Cut-leaf Daisy
Hakea nodosa - Yellow Hakea
Friday, 17 June 2022 - Planting morning in the Mount Waverley Wetlands -

Again this year, Melbourne Water provided about 500 plants for us as part of the rehabilitation following the remedial works at Blackburn Road last year.

This time we planted on the north side of the wetlands just west of Blackburn Road.
We had some rain overnight, but it cleared up by about the time we started.
As last year, Melbourne Water provided the services of a support crew to help relocate much of the very thick mulch and to auger holes for the plants.

Have a look at the photo gallery to see the planters and the support crew at the end of the session.

Some of the species planted were:

Acacia implexa - Lightwood
Acacia myrtifolia - Myrtle Wattle
Arthropodium strictum - Chocolate Lily
Brachyscome multifida - Cut-leaf Daisy
Bulbine bulbosa - Bulbine Lily
Bursaria spinosa - Sweet Bursaria
Chrysocephalum semipapposum - Clustered Everlasting
Coprosma quadrifida Prickly Currant-bush
Correa reflexa - Native Fuchsia
Daviesia latifolia - Hop Bitter-pea
Dianella admixta - Flax-lily
Goodia lotifolia - Golden-tip
Goodenia ovata - Hop Goodenia
Gynatrix pulchella - Hemp Bush
Indigofera australis - Austral Indigo
Leptospermum continentale - Prickly Tea-tree
Lomandra longifolia - Spiny-headed Mat-rush
Olearia lirata - Snowy Daisy-bush
Prostanthera lasianthos - Victorian Christmas Bush
Pultenaea gunnii – Golden Bush-pea
Pultenea hispidula - Rusty Bush-pea
Themeda triandra - Kangaroo Grass
Sunday, 12 June 2022 - Planting Day in Valley Conservation Reserve -

A Special Friends planting in Valley Conservation Reserve.
Once more, we have purchased some plants with Friends Group funds to add more flowering plants to the area to the west of the amenities block in Valley Conservation Reserve.
Despite the poor weather forecast, the rain held off for most of the time and the 11 members and one 5 year old worked hard to get most of the 800 plants into the ground.
We were surprised that despite the recent rain only the top layer of soil was damp and so hole digging was not quite as easy as we had expected.

Have a look at the photo gallery to see the planters.

Some of the species planted were:

Eucalyptus ovata - Swamp Gum
Eucalyptus obliqua - Messmate Stringybark
Eucalyptus viminalis var Racemosa - Coastal Manna Gum
Eucalyptus cephalocarpa - Silver-leaf or Mealy Eucalypt
Dianella admixta - Flax Lily
Spyridium parvifolium - Dusty Miller
Glycine clandestina - Twining Glycine
Lomandra multiflora - Many-flowered Mat-rush
Lomandra longifolia - Spiny-headed Mat-rush
Arthropodium strictum - Chocolate Lily
Epacris impressa - Common Heath
Olearia lirata - Snowy Daisy Bush

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For further information about any of these events, please contact Sally Walker, May Lee or any member of the committee


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